A Hispanic Legend

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Legend Still Remains

I'm not too sure if there is any real evidence on La Llorona. Based on my research, there were no conclusions or true evidence that were scientifically proven on this Mexican folklore.  However, I did find a couple of stories where people assume it's La Llorona.  One particular story is by TF from Texas.  TF grew up believing almost the same version as the one I have posted in this blog.  TF writes about how her mother shared this story with her when she was about 5 or 6 years old.  The story is about her mother and the experience she went through the day her paternal grandmother passed away.  This story takes place in the 60's.  It's early in the morning and everyone is up, and awake because of the sudden news of her death. All of a sudden they hear a loud cry coming from outside.  Her mother couldn't really explain what it sounded like, but said it sounded very loud.  Like a loud sob or wail lasting under one minute.  TF's mother claims that no one in the house was crying.  When they all heard the loud sob they all turned and looked at each other.  They even asked the neighbors, but everyone denied crying, and said it was not them. TF is not sure if this story could have been La Llorona looking for her children.

I believe this is just another story that has been told within the Mexican heritage. Again, I did not find any real scientific evidence on La Llorona.

TF. "La Llorona and My Mom." Feb. 2004. Web. Oct 25, 2010. http://www.castleofspirits.com/stories04/lalloronamom.html

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