A Hispanic Legend

Sunday, October 17, 2010

La Llorona

I grew up with both my parents, a younger sister, and brother.  I never really believed in any phenomenons other than La Llorona, and it's not that I believe in it, it's always been something that I've been curious about.  The reason why I chose this topic is because I've always wondered if this supernatural phenomenon is really true.  This is the only creepy thing that I remember as a a child and I will never forget.  My mother and grandmother would always talk about this crazy lady known as "La Llorona".  My grandmother would tell us scary stories that I truly believed them. She literally gave us horrifying details on La Llorona's mysterious image, her spine-chilling voice, and how she would not stop weeping for her children every night.  I never thought my grandmother would lie or make-up such stories, so I would ask her to tell me the story over and over again.  It must have been my curiousity, but once night time came around I was scared to even go to the restroom alone.  Being the older sister I was always able to manipulate my younger sister and brother.  So, I would make my sister do things for me that I was always too scared to do.  My mother on the other hand would always threaten my sister, brother, and myself.  She would tell us that if we didn't behave "La Llorona" was going to come and get us.  Just with my mother telling us that we had no choice but to shape up our behavior and do as we were told.  It's funny though, because not only were we scared but we were still willing to find out if it was true or not.  We would wait late at night by the window and pretend we would see a ghost or an image and we would try to scare one another. It's always been a question of curiousity. Even as I type this at 10:30pm with no one around is creepy.

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